
Law Enforcement Consulting and Training

The consultants of Integritas Consulting and Research Group LLC provide a number of learning opportunities in a variety of subject areas.  In addition, consultants are available to assist agencies with internal investigations, policy development, and organizational development. The subject categories follow. By clicking a subject area, a selection of courses and consultation subject areas will be able for your reference and review.

Cultural Diversity

Instructor Development

Leadership and Management

Law Enforcement Liabiliity and Risk Management

Tactics and Weapons Systems

Use of Force

Expert Witness Services:

Timothy Janowick serves as an expert witness in cases originating in federal court districts in Illinois and Michigan, but has availabilty for casework in other states.  Previsous cases involved law enfiorcement's use of force by means of physical tactics, baton, TASER, and firearms. Consultations and expert witness reports are available for the following types of cases:

  1. Police Practices;
  2. Use of Force;
  3. Investigations; and
  4. Patrol Tactics.

Please note, we do not accept canine or SWAT/ERT cases at this time.

A listing of cases is available upon request.

Please contact us with any questions or for additional information regarding our services.