Bias-Based Concerns for Law Enforcement

Concerns regarding community trust in law enforcement to fairly enforce laws without bias towards race, national ethnicity, or sexual orientation remain present despite much progress in relations over the last several decades.  This two- to eight-hour course facilitates a discussion about race, ethnic, and sexual orientation issues including powerful motivating forces shaping bias such as family and media. A two-hour version of this course is routinely presented as part of the basic academy curriculum at the Suburbal Law Enforcement Academy at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.  In addition, this course has been presented through the North East Multi-Regional Training Group.

The facilitator for this course is Timothy Janowick.  Mr. Janowick's background includes coordinating training efforts with the United States Department of Justice as part of a Memorandum of Understanding originating from claims of an agency's biased policing practices. Based on this unique experience and his two decades of service in law enforcement, Mr. Janowick conducts a highly engaging course leaving participants feeling enlightened on the subject of bias in law enforcement.

Generational Crossroads: Leadership and Change for the Future

For the first time in our nation's history, four generations occupy the workplace.  The experiences of the formative years of each generation leads to shared values and expectations of the respective generation. As a result of these unique experiences, values and ideals do not always align and conflict arises between supervisors and subordinates, co-workers, and clients. Generational Crossroads explores the diversity of each generation, their contributions to the workplace, and leadership and coaching strategies for supervisors and managers.

Roy Bethge and Tim Janowick conduct a highly engaging discussion over a period of four to sixteen hours.

What's Up With My Boss???

The Millennials are assuming positions in the workforce as Boomers begin to exit in record numbers. Generational differences and values are known to create conflict in the workplace as the Millennials begin to interact with their GenX supervisor, Boomer manager, and Builder executive.  Unlike Generational Crossroads which is geared towards formal leadership in an organization, What's Up With My Boss??? is focused on new workers entering the workplace, particularly those working for the first time.  With a focus on explaining generational differences - and why a boss may behave or believe the way they do, the course facilitates learning on how to interact with superisors and managers from previous generations.

Roy Bethge and Tim Janowick conduct a highly engaging discussion over a period of four to eight hours.